Shunem House Ministries


This website has been created with the express intention of presenting and promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Reformed doctrine, commonly known as Calvinism, with its constituent parts embraced under the general heading of the Doctrines of Grace (or TULIP Calvinism), will be favoured as being the biblical imperative. The biblical doctrine of Reprobation, considered by many to be an abhorrent doctrine, is herein assumed to be truth without which the whole counsel of God cannot be fully understood and/or appreciated. If God is truly God, He must be absolutely sovereign. This being the case, Arminian doctrine will be viewed, at best, as altogether lacking biblical credibility.

William Black, Shunem House Ministries

Historic giants of the Christian faith such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and Oliver Cromwell, are herein acknowledged as mighty men of God, contrary to the carnal judgement of many today - without and within the professing church - who would seek rather to discredit, or at best apologise for, the testimony of these men.

Confessions of Faith will be afforded their rightful place when viewed within the historical development of the ‘Church’ - more accurately expressed in the New Testament by the word ‘ecclesia’  i.e. assembly or congregation.

Being dogmatically hostile to the modern charismatic movement, this website is happy to declare itself ‘cessationist’ insofar as ‘spiritual gifts’ are concerned. We are not without personal experience of the most extravagant claims to modern day ‘signs and wonders’. These personal experiences have only served to reinforce our doctrinal objections to contemporary ‘supernatural’ manifestations.

Whilst understandably hesitant to ‘pre-judge’ issues we will not hesitate to define ‘heresy’ and by implication identify ‘heretics’, however prominent and popular their personal profiles might be. 

‘Creationism’, being the historic ‘default’ position of Christians until recently, is our position. It is so, however, not simply ‘by default’ but by prayerful study and serious reflection. It was good enough for Calvin, and it’s good enough for us.

The very nature and depth of these subjects will undoubtedly give rise to many other related issues which will be addressed appropriately and proportionately within this website as opportunities arise.