Shunem House Ministries

Authoritative, biblical preaching is today rejected by multitudes of superficial, modernising ‘evangelicals’. So much of that which masquerades as preaching today is deficient in sound doctrine, spiritual wisdom and genuine passion. Saints of God gifted with biblical wisdom and spiritual understanding are largely ignored and deliberately overlooked in favour of ‘ecclesiastical career opportunists’ who see themselves ‘destined’ to occupy ‘Church Leadership’ positions. Such carnal ambition has largely replaced the biblical constraint to minister God’s Word. In many of today's Churches and Assemblies genuine biblical preaching has been eclipsed by simplistic principles of verbal communication and presentation in order to accommodate, facilitate and advance such as are well nigh devoid of any semblance of spiritual gift. It is time to seek the LORD!

As an introduction to ‘this ministry’ it is suggested that you first listen to the sermons entitled ‘’Paul’s Passionate Preaching (Acts 20)” and ‘’Authority: Preaching Repentance (Mark 1:1)”. The former was preached to a ‘Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)’ congregation and the latter to an ‘Open Brethren’ congregation. Both messages are relatively short (around 45 minutes). Alternatively, or thereafter, there are around 200 other sermons to choose from.

Dr. John MacArthur

Early 1990’s, I preached two sermons addressing the erroneous doctrine of ‘The Temporal (or Incarnational) Sonship of Christ’ as then taught by, and incorporated into the writings of, Dr. John MacArthur. Recordings of these two sermons were distributed, on request, far and wide. Subsequently I was made aware that Dr. MacArthur was continuing to reaffirm and defend his long-held views on Christ’s ‘Incarnational Sonship’, both in writing and in public engagement. Mr Tony Ruston, European Director of ‘Grace To You’, contacted me regarding the issue of my opposition to Dr. MacArthur’s views having, apparently, become aware of my sermons. Further correspondence continued between us over a lengthy period.

In a few of the sermons which are available on this website via SermonNet (and which were preached around the time of the controversy) direct references are made by me regarding Dr. MacArthur and to particular doctrinal aspects of the controversy. I was delighted eventually (in August 1999) to receive this letter from Mr Ruston indicating that Dr. MacArthur had retracted “his previously held views” and I am happy to confirm and make manifest that Dr MacArthur now holds to the orthodox doctrine of the ‘Eternal Sonship of Christ’. View correspondence confirmation >